Newly added for 2019-2020:
Tuesday/Thursday morning class for ages 3-5.
8:30 - 11:30 AM
$110 non-refundable, annual materials fee.
$120/month, 9 payments for Aug. 15, 2019 - May 21, 2020.
Our 2019-2020 school year consists of 36 weeks of class (108 days for MWF & 74 days for Tu/Th),
with scheduled breaks which are not included in those paid weeks of classes.
Scheduled breaks are on the following dates in the 2019-20 School Year:
Mon. September 2, 2019 Labor Day
Wed. November 27- Fri. November 29, 2019 Thanksgiving Break
Mon. December 23, 2019- Fri. January 3, 2020 Winter Break
Mon. January 20, 2020 MLK, Jr. Day
Mon. February 17, 2020 Presidents' Day
Mon. March 9 – Fri. March 13, 2020 Spring Break
Registrations are accepted throughout the year.